Residence: Martiques, France Single
Year-by-Year Highlights:
1993- R-up at Spanish #3 Sat. (w/35 pts.); Eighth at Slovak Sat. (w/18 pts.).
1992- Sixth at French #2 Sat. (w/18 pts.).
1991- Seventh at French #2 Sat. (w/10 pts.).
1990- Fifth at French #2 Sat. (w/17 pts.).
1989- Fourth at French Sat. #2 (w/30 ATP pts.).
Turned pro in 1990.
An accomplished soccer player as a youngster, but gave it up because he
felt he was too small to play competively.
A former Top 5 junior in France.
Qualified for the 1990 and '93 French Open, his only Grand Slam outings.
Plays for the Alsacienne Lorraine club in Paris.
Nicknamed "grumpy."
Coached by former tour player Jerome Potier.