- Began playing tennis at a young age under the watchful eye of his tennis coach father, Craig
- Winner Australian Open Junior Doubles titles in ‘13 and ’14
- Reached Semi Finals in Australian Open Junior singles in ‘14
- Won Singles National title 18’s, 16’s and 14’s
- Claimed ITF Gallipoli Youth Tennis Cup doubles title in 2012
- Captured back-to-back Queensland Junior ITF International u/18 singles titles in 2012
- Won the Oceania Closed Junior doubles Championships in ‘12.
- Considers his strengths to be his forehand, serve and volleys
- Favourite tournament is the Australian Open
- Enjoys playing tennis because of the ‘opportunity to travel’ and ‘the challenge that it brings’
- Favourite Food: loves cooking Taco's, Pasta or Vegetables.
- Favourite Holiday Destination: New York.
- Favourite Sports he enjoys not relating to tennis: AFL Football (Port Power).
- Favourite Tennis Player: Gael Monfils (so entertaining).
- Pro Career Goal: Winning a Grand Slam.
- Like to unwind when not touring by spending time with my Dad (Craig), my Mum (Joanne) and my sister (Stacey).