Francesco Maestrelli
Francesco Maestrelli
Francesco Maestrelli
Francesco Maestrelli
YTD Rank: ${ytdRank} Career High Rank (${careerDate}): ${careerRank}
  • Personal
    • Nickname is Maestro.
    • Father, Andrea; mother, Fulvia; sister, Valentina.Says that his father is his hero.
    • Began playing tennis at age 4 because he wanted to beat his sister.
    • CreditsClaudio Galoppini as making a big difference in his tennis.
    • Favourite shot is backhand, surface is hard, tournament is US Open and city on tour is New York City.
    • Tennis idols are Roger Federer and Daniil Medvedev.
    • Favourite TV show is Stranger Things, superhero is Eleven from the show, and actress isMillie Bobby Brown, who plays Eleven.
    • Football fan who supports hometown team Pisa SC and its star playerErnesto Torregrossa.
    • Enjoys playing both football and basketball.
    • Favourite movie is Interstellar and musician is Italian rapperGue.
    • Says that strength is his best quality.
    • Favourite food is pizza and school subject was math.


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