Residence: Birmingham, Alabama
1988- Doubles Semifinalist at Furth Ch. (w/Pfitzner).
1985- Doubles semifinalist at Madrid (w/Hocevar), doubles quarterfinalist at
Livingston (w/Robertson).
1984- Doubles QF at Indianapolis (w/Van't Hof), Geneva (w/ Hjertquist).
Three-time All-American at Auburn University, Tarr was the Southeastern
Conference singles champion in 1981. He became hot copy, though, during the
the '84 U.S. Open when Vitas Gerulaitis said for all to hear that Martina
Navratilova could not beat the No. 100 player on the ATP Computer (which
was then Tarr) and that he would bet his house on it. Needless to say the
remark caused Tarr a fair amount of discomfort. Became a U.S. citizen on
February 28, 1986.